
Learn how you can contribute with translations for the UI

Translations are currently managed in POEditor. If you want to contribute new translations or help reviewing/proofreading any of the existing ones, please join our Discord server, channel #translations, for translation efforts coordination and to get further instructions.

Alternatively, you can submit a pull request with your proposed changes directly to our project in GitHub.

Directory Structure

If you choose to contribute translations via a pull request, most of the translation files are located in the resources/i18n directory. These are all served by the Navidrome backend to avoid bloating UI bundle with additional translations. The English translation file is located outside of this main directory at ui/src/i18n/en.json so it can be bundled with the UI.

Translation Status

POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor POEditor